
In 2013, we have, in collaboration with Pivovary Topvar (Brewery Topvar), prepared a new grant making program for the western Slovakia. The traditional brand Topvar, that was born in Topoľčany, has decided to help the inhabitants of the western Slovakia to realize their ideas for the improvement of the towns…
09 August 2014
Choose what you are the most interested in, buy in and don´t forget, that in addition to having fun, you are also supporting the Heart Campaign of the Trenčín Foundation for the support of those in need. You are also going to be gaining important credit for a possible win…
03 June 2014
Since childhood, he liked nature and animals. He dreamed about travelling and started fulfilling his dreams as soon as he began working. He visited New Zealand, Malaysia, Nepal, India and Thailand, wondered at incredible nature, lived and worked with the natives and got to know new cultures. He understood many…
26 April 2014
The two-day seminar in pension NTS Nemšová has followed two goals this year. One was to introduce fundraising to the young people and the other one to bring them together to get to know one another.
31 March 2014
Together with Kebabizňa, we addressed the public about a new project on 9 November 2013. We are preparing the opening of a new foundation fund and it`s purpose is going to be fulfilling the dreams and intentions of the founder.
31 March 2014
This year, the Trenčín Foundation once again starts a campaign for gaining two percent from taxes of corporate actors and individuals. To support the campaign we have created a short spot. The ambition of the authors is to gain attention of the public and convince the undicided.
23 February 2014
The artists visited DSS ALIA in Bardejov, CSS in Prešov, DSS Symbia in Zvolen, DSS Hrabiny in Nová Baňa, ŠZŠI in Topoľčany and DSS Nový Domov in Prievidza.
23 February 2014
The Christmas Bazaar is a pre-Christmas charity event focussed on gaining financial resources to support the theatrical performances of the Doctors Klaun in the institutions of social and medical care. Puppeteers, mimes, klauns and magicians bring joy especially into special primary boarding schools, social services homes and nurseries.
07 December 2013
It has been nine years, since the Trenčín Foundation turned with good faith towards the citizens and also visitors of Trenčín with the project Open Your Heart, Donate a Book for the first time. Children’s books, that anonymous donors could purchase in four of Trenčín’s bookstores, were addressed to children from…
07 December 2013
Trenčín Foundation invites cordially to a beneficial auction, that takes place in Panorama Club Trenčín on 26th November with participation of celebrities. An invitation to the event was accepted by the theatrical and movie actress, Trenčín’s own Marta Sládečková, and the musician and composer Marcel Palonder.
30 October 2013
Between 15th and 18th October, we visited six secondary schools in the region of Trenčín, which were active participants of the project.
23 October 2013
In 2013, Agentúra regionálnej pomoci set up Fund of Mutual Help. The objective of this fund is to collect funds from ARP s.r.o and other legal bodies and individuals, which respect the mission of the Fund, in order to distribute the funds to individuals who are in difficult living situation,…
26 September 2013