Aftermath of Good Bazaar

In spite of the effort put forward by the sellers and willingness to buy from the buyers, there were left a couple of pieces of jewellery, ceramics, quite a lot of books and some old models of skis and sport footwear.

16 February 2015

And so, we launched the first search action of 2015 and comparatively quickly and easily found appreciative beneficiaries of these items. The sporting goods will be well used by the kids in Children´s Home Lastovička in Trenčín and the books are to become a part of the library of the Centre of social services Lipa in Kostolná-Záriečie. We keep our fingers crossed, so that the skis can be skied on and the books read by the next Good Bazaar.

In 2014, by selling the donated items, we raised 950 € for the Dr. Clown Fund, which funds theatrical performances of puppeteers, mimes, clowns and magicians in the establishments of social and health care all around Slovakia.

16 February 2015