Donors club has decided

On Tuesday, 11th November, the Donors club members met to hear presentations of projects submitted to the eleventh call for proposals of Donors club and chose the best ones. They chose six succesful projects out of seven applicants.

31 December 2014

The ranking of the projects is decided by the members by awarding points in regard to the granted sum. The most persuasive presentation turned out to be the one by a young organization Eva n.o. „FolkFest pod Ostrým“. Project „Hala 2015 – Týždeň súčasného umenia“ was presented by NGO Hala. Third place took the project of Športový klub Rehafit „Špeciálna podlaha pre mladé fitnesky z Trenčína“. Other succesful projects are the 3rd year of Benefičného behu Pro Autis, project by Únia nevidiacich a slabozrakých Slovenska „S optickými pomôckami aj do terénu“ and a new play of the Mestské divadlo Trenčín „Miro Gavran – Bábka“.

With realization and results of the projects can the public come in contact until September 2015. Finished projects will again be presented to the Donors club members at their yearly meeting.

31 December 2014