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The Good Bazaar has Ended Well

Once again, the rain did not spear the Bazaar. It was however kind to us, perhaps because our guardian angel dressed as Chalie Chaplin and the clown have spend most of the day with us in the tent. We have received a symbolic sum of 2020 euro for the donated objects, which will be used for activities that we support every year.

28 December 2019

This year of the Good Bazaar was one the events of the foundation, which are part of the „From November to November“ game as well as of the twentieth anniversary of the foundation. If you have taken part, you have probably obtained our little gift in the form of the green bracelet with a letter. It is the third bracelet, meaning a third letter and a third hint, which you could have gained. Keep playing by collecting bracelets, following the hints and looking out for new information.

We would like to thank our dear invited guests Janette Štefánková and comedian Rasťo Piško for their support for a good cause. We thank Vlado kulíšek and Adrian Ohrádka for the laughter of the children and their parents. We thank for organizational and technical support of the Town of Trenčín and the Piaristické Gymnasium of Jozef Branecký. We thank Rudo Cvopa for amazing photography of the whole day. We thank our friends from Slovenské elektrárne for their help with the sale. We thank our supporters for the donated objects, the company BELVE s.r.o. for their generous gift, and our amazing volunteers for their awesomeness.

28 December 2019